Bauböck, Rainer


Thematic Bibliography
Citizenship and Democracy: Theoretical Analyses


The Power to Expel: Deportation and Denationalisation in Historical, Legal and Normative Perspective (Rutger Birnie, Rainer Bauböck, eds), Citizenship Studies, Special Issue. Vol. 24, no. 3, May 2020.

“A Free Movement Paradox: Denationalisation and Deportation in Mobile Societies”, Citizenship Studies, Vol. 24, no. 3, May 2020. (50 e-prints available for free download here)

“Democratic inclustion – a short summary”, in: Democratic inclusion beyond the state, review symposium on Rainer Bauböck: Democratic Inclusion, Contemporary Political Theory, March 2019, Volume 18, Issue 1: 89–91.

“Outsiders and non-state actors”, in: Democratic inclusion beyond the state, review symposium on Rainer Bauböck: Democratic Inclusion, Contemporary Political Theory, March 2019, Volume 18, Issue 1: 105–114.

“Specifying the three inclusion principles – a reply to Biale, Pellegrino and Ottonelli, in: Who Belongs to a Democratic Demos. The Boundary Problem and Its Solutions. Symposium on Rainer Bauböck’s Democratic Inclusion, Biblioteca della Libertà, vol. LII, 221, October 2018: 57-72. OPEN ACCESS.

L’inclusione democratica. Una teoria pluralista della cittadinanza”, Biblioteca della libertà, vol. LII, September 2017, n. 220: 1-95.

Drei Demokratische Inklusionsprinzipien, Österreichische Zeitschrift für Politikwissenschaft, 2017, vol. 46, No. 1, p. 75-81.

Democratic Inclusion. Rainer Bauböck in Dialogue, (with responses by Joseph Carens, David Miller, David Owen, Iseult Honohan, Sue Donaldson and Will Kymlicka, Peter S. Spiro). Manchester, Manchester University Press, Critical Powers Series, December 2017, 294 p. OPEN ACCESS.

The Oxford Handbook of Citizenship (Ayelet Shachar, Rainer Bauböck, Irene Bloemraad, Maarten Vink, eds.). Oxford: Oxford University Press, August 2017.

“Political Boundaries and Democratic Membership” in: The Oxford Handbook of Citizenship. Ayelet Shachar, Rainer Bauböck, Irene Bloemraad, Maarten Vink (eds.) August 2017: 60-82.

“Democratic Representation in Mobile Societies”, in: Anna Triandafyllidou (ed.) Multicultural Governance in a Mobile World, Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, October 2017: 283-306.

Morphing the Demos into the right shape. Normative principles for enfranchising resident aliens and expatriate citizens”. Democratization, Volume 22Issue 5, 2015: 820-839.

“Boundaries and Birthright. Bosniak’s and Shachar’s Critiques of Liberal Citizenship”, Issues in Legal Scholarship, vol. 9, no. 1, article 3, 2011: 1-19.

Stakeholder Citizenship: An Idea Whose Time Has Come? In: Bertelsmann Stiftung, European Policy Centre, Migration Policy Institute (eds.) Delivering Citizenship. The Transatlantic Council on Migration, Verlag Bertelsmann Stiftung, Gütersloh, 2008: 31-48.

“The Trade-Off between Transnational Citizenship and Political Autonomy”, in: Thomas Faist and Peter Kivisto (eds.) Dual Citizenship in Global Perspective, Palgrave Macmillan, London, 2007. 69-91.

“The Rights of Others and the Boundaries of Democracy” (Review of Seyla Benhabib: The Rights of Others), in: European Journal of Political Theory, 2007, no. 6: 398-405.

“Political Boundaries in a Multilevel Democracy”, in: Seyla Benhabib and Ian Shapiro (eds.) Identities, Affiliations and Allegiances, Cambridge University Press, July 2007: 85-109.

„Politische Grenzen in einer postwestfälischen Weltordnung“, in: Peter Koller (Ed.) Die Globale Frage, Passagen-Verlag, Wien, 2006:313-348.

Recombinant Citizenship”, in: Martin Kohli and Alison Woodward (eds.) Inclusions and Exclusions in European Societies, Routledge, London, 2001: 38-58.