Estrada, Isabel


Isabel is Associate Professor in the Department of International Relations and Public Administration, in the School of Economics and Management (EEG), University of Minho. She holds a PhD in Sociology from the University of Warwick (UK), a MPhil in Sociology) from the University of Coimbra (PT) and a BA in International Relations from the University of Minho (PT). She works in the intersection between Politics and Sociology, and her research focuses mainly on Citizenship Studies and Democracy. She is particularly interested in the political inclusion, forms of participation and structures of political opportunity of immigrants and citizens of migrant origin.

Her publications include:

  • CARVALHAIS, I.E., FERNANDES, S. (2018) “Resisting Euroscepticism and Anti-Refugee Populism in Europe: The Portuguese Case” in AGARIN, T. and N. NANCHEVA(eds). A European Crisis – Perspectives on Refugees, Solidarity, and Europe. Stuttgart: Ibidem-Verlag. Pps: 51-74.
  • CARVALHAIS, I.E, OLIVEIRA, C.R. (2017) “Immigrants’ political claims in Portugal: confronting the political opportunity structure with perceptions and discourses” Ethnic and Racial Studies, Vol. 40, 5: pp. 787-808.
  • CARVALHAIS, I. E., DIAS, Iris Trindade (2015) “O nexo migração-desenvolvimento nas relações entre diásporas e Estados – o caso das associações brasileiras e cabo-verdianas em Portugal.” Brazilian Journal of International Relations, Vol.4, 3: pp. 476-515.
    FERNANDES, S., CARVALHAIS, I.E (2016) “Portugal: a weak case for Euroscepticism” in BUKOVSKIS, K. (ed). Euroscepticism in Small EU Member States. Riga: Latvian Institute of International Affairs and Friedrich Ebert Siftung, pp. 47-60.
  • FERNANDES, S., CARVALHAIS, I.E (2016) “Portugal: waiting for better in the adversity”. Building Bridges paper Series, Institute Français de Relations Internationales.
  • CARVALHAIS, I.E (2016) “Immigrants’ political rights in Portuguese Democracy – brief reflections on the Brazilian case” in EMMERICH, G. e V.A. OLGUÌN (eds). Sufragio Transnacional y Extraterritorial: Experiencias Comparadas. Cidade de Mexico: IIDH/Capel – Instituto Interamericano de Derechos Humanos, CONACYT – Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnologia, Universidad Autonoma Metropolitana, pp. 161-180.
  • CARVALHAIS, I.E, OLIVEIRA, C.R. (2015) Diversidade étnica e cultural na Democracia Portuguesa – Não-nacionais e cidadãos nacionais de origem migrante na política local e na vida dos partidos políticos. Lisboa: Observatório da Imigração, ACM.
  • OLIVEIRA, C.R., CARVALHAIS, I.E, e CANCELA, J. (2014) “Political parties’ openness to immigrants in Portugal: between the opportunity structure and the individual perceptions”. ACM.
  • RODRIGUES, F. FREIRE, A., CARVALHAIS, I.E, et al. (2013) “Participação Eleitoral dos Emigrantes e Imigrantes de Portugal”. Lisboa: OIM: 1-329.
  • CARVALHAIS, I.E (2007) Postnational Citizenship and the State. Lisbon: Celta. Opening note by Robin Cohen (COMPASS, Oxford).
  • CARVALHAIS, I.E (2004) Os Desafios da Cidadania Pós-Nacional. Porto: Afrontamento.