Margheritis, Ana


Ana Margheritis is Research Professor at CONICET/UTDT (National Council for Scientific and Technological Research/Universidad Torcuato Di Tella) in Buenos Aires, Argentina, and co-Coordinator of the MIGCITPOL Standing Committee within IMISCOE. She previously worked and hold visiting positions at highly ranked universities in the USA, Europe, and the UK. She is the author of four sole-authored books, including Migration Governance across Regions (Routledge 2016); editor of two other volumes, including Shaping Migration between Europe and Latin America (SAS Publications, 2018), and co-author of a seventh. Her peer-reviewed articles on transnational migration, international political economy and foreign policy appeared in a wide range of journals.  She has been country expert for GLOBALCIT at the European University Institute, MiTSoPro at University of Liège, and the Collaborative Research Center for Global Dynamics of Social Policy at University of Bremen, as well as consultant for private firms in US higher education, the UNDP, and national research agencies in the USA, UK, The Netherlands, Argentina, Chile, Uruguay and Canada. Her publications are available at