The Politics of Dual Citizenship in Post-Soviet States: Securing Political Goals Through Citizenship Rules

The post-World War II era, and especially the post-Cold War era, has seen the global
spread of dual citizenship. Not only have the number of de-facto dual citizens
proliferated, but more and more states, starting with the West European democracies,
have amended their legislation to explicitly recognize and allow dual and multiple
citizenships. Situating post-Soviet states in this global pattern reveals some similarities
and important differences in the rationale behind allowing or forbidding dual citizenship.
Like elsewhere in the world, acceptance of dual/multiple citizenship is often driven by
new demographic and migration realities, in particular labor emigration in the post-Soviet
period that created large numbers of de-facto dual citizens. International influences are
also evident, as some post-Soviet states modeled their dual citizenship rules on the
European standards reflected in international instruments such as the 1997 European
Convention on Citizenship.

Oxana Shevel, The Politics of Dual Citizenship in Post-Soviet States, PONARS Eurasia, 2019.