Statelessness, Proportionality and Access to (EU) Citizenship

In the European Union (EU) the issue of citizenship can be brought to the supranational level because the citizenship of EU Member States is also EU citizenship. This provides certain opportunities for engaging the norms and principles of EU law, such as the principle of proportionality. However, ethnic and other nationalisms undermine the application of the principle of proportionality as regards access to and loss of citizenship.

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Fearing the immigrant vote? AKP’s political echo sparks controversy in Germany

A new political party in Germany set up by supporters of Turkish president Erdoǧan has been met with a political backlash, though similar parties in Germany were previously unsuccessful. In this blog, we discuss the motivations and candidates of this party, parallels with parties in other EU countries, and its prospects in German politics in connection with a recent citizenship reform.

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