Dramatic decline in naturalisations due to the 2013 reform of the Belgian citizenship law

By Patrick Wautelet, EUDO CITIZENSHIP expert

Figures on acquisition of Belgian nationality in 2013, the first full year of operation of the modified Code of Belgian Nationality show a dramatic decrease in the number of acquisitions. Only 4,981 foreigners obtained the Belgian nationality based on the new law in 2013. This figure is substantially lower than those for preceding years. In 2011, 38,797 foreigners obtained the Belgian nationality, in 2009, 40,768 and in 2012 more than 45,000.

A more detailed analysis reveals that in 2013 around 24% (1.500) of the acquisitions concerned minor children (acquisition following birth in Belgium or extension of the acquisition by one of the parents). The remainder concerns acquisition by adults on the basis of a declaration (art. 12bis code de nationalité belgique – CNB).

There is still some uncertainty on these figures – the Minister declared that 344 foreigners were naturalised on the basis of the new law, but it appears that this figure refers to the number of applications filed on the basis of the new law (art. 19 CNB) and not to the numbers of actual awards.

Old applications continue to be handled based on the CNB as it stood before the Act of 14 Dec. 2012. More than 28,000 foreigners became Belgian citizen in 2013 on the basis of the ‘old’ law. It is expected that the bulk of the ‘old’ applications will be processed in 2014.

You will find more details in the Report of the Justice Commission (Chamber of Representatives, session of 15 January 2014). 


There has been some echo in the press about these figures. Read DMorgen.be and de Standaart.