Bauböck, Rainer


Thematic Bibliography
Cultural and Ethnic Diversity


Unequal but Fair? Cultural Recognition and Self-Government Rights”, Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy, Review Symposium on Alan Patten’s Equal Recognition, 2016, Vol. 20, No. 1: 8-22.

Rainer Bauböck and Peter Scholten (eds): Solidarity in diverse societies: beyond neoliberal multiculturalism and welfare chauvinism: Comparative Migration Studies, vol.4, no. 10. 2016. OPEN ACCESS

“Coping with ‘the progressive’s dilemma’; nationhood, immigration and the welfare state”, Introduction to the special issue: “Solidarity in diverse societies: beyond neoliberal multiculturalism and welfare chauvinism”. Comparative Migration Studies, vol. 4, no. 10, 2016: 1-6 (with Peter Scholten, co-author). OPEN ACCESS

Why liberal nationalism does not resolve the progressive’s trilemma: comment on Will Kymlicka’s article: “Solidarity in Diverse Societies”, Comparative Migration Studies, vol. 4, no. 10, 2016: 1-6. OPEN ACCESS

“The Political Value of Languages”, Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy, Review Symposium on Philippe van Parijs: Linguistic Justice for Europe and the World, 2015, vol. 18, no 2: 212-223. reprinted in: Helder de Schutter and David Robichaud (eds.) Linguistic Justice. Van Parijs and his critics, Routledge, Milton Park and New York, 2016: 126-137.

“The global odysseys of liberal multiculturalism, Ethnicities, vol. 8, Nº 2, 2008: 251-253. (Introduction to Review Symposium of Will Kymlicka’s Multicultural Odysseys)

What Went Wrong with Liberal Multiculturalism?”, Ethnicities, Review Symposium of Will Kymlicka’s Multicultural Odysseys, vol. 8, Nº 2, 2008: 271-276.

Beyond culturalism and statism. Liberal responses to diversity, Eurosphere Working Paper, March 2008.

“Intersecting and Overlapping European Culture”, in: Krzysztof Michalski (ed.) What holds Europe together? CEU Press, Budapest, 2006: 112-116.

“Multiculturalism”, in: Austin Harrington, Barbara Marshall, Hans-Peter Müller (eds.) Routledge Encyclopedia of Social Theory, Routledge, London, 2006: 382-384.

Preface, in: Yngve Lithman and Hakan Sicakkan (eds.) Envisioning Togetherness: Politics of Identity and Forms of Belonging. Editor. Edwin Mellen Press, New York, 2005: iii-vii.

“If you say multiculturalism is the wrong answer, then what was the question you asked?” Canadian Diversity, vol. 4:1, winter 2005: 90-94.

„Schnitt- und Vereinigungsmengen europäischer Kulturen“, Transit 28, Wien, Dezember 2004: 102-106.

Public culture in societies of immigration” in: R.Sackmann, Th. Faist and B. Peters (eds.) Identity and Integration. Migrants in Western Europe, Ashgate, Avebury, 2003: 37-57. Also published as Willy Brandt Series of Working Papers in International Migration and Ethnic Relations, No. 1, University of Malmö, 2001.

¿Adios al Multiculturalismo? Revista de Occidente, No. 268, Septiembre 2003: 45-61.

“A Closer Look at Unity: What Social Cohesion Does and Does Not Require”, The Responsive Community, April 2003: 31-42.

“Liberal Pluralism Under Attack. Reflections on diversity and cohesion from Austrian and European perspectives”, in: Cohesion, Community and Citizenship. Proceedings of a Runnymede Conference, Runnymede Trust, London, 2002: 54-71.

“Abschied vom Multikulturalismus? Über gemeinsame Werte und Identitäten in Einwanderungsgesellschaften“ (Farewell to Multiculturalism? Sharing values and identities in societies of immigration) Alfred Gusenbauer (ed.) Netzwerk Innovation. Zukunftsfähige Politikprojekte, Czernin Verlag, Wien, 2002: 217-232.

“Farewell to Multiculturalism? Sharing values and identities in societies of immigration”, Journal of International Migration and Integration, vol. 3, no. 1, winter 2002: 1-16.

“Cultural minority rights in public education: Religious and language instruction for immigrant communities in Western Europe”, in Anthony Messina (ed.) West European Immigration and Immigrant Policy in the New Century: A Continuing Quandary for States and Societies. Greenwood Press/Praeger Publishers, Westport, CT, 2002: 161-189.

“Cultural Citizenship, Minority Rights and Self-Government”, in Citizenship Today: Global Perspectives and Practices, ed. by Alex Aleinikoff and Doug Klusmeyer, Washington, DC: Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, 2001: 319-348.

“Cultural Citizenship, Minority Rights and Political Community”, in Human Rights in Philosophy and Practice, ed. by Burton M. Leiser and Tom D. Campbell, Ashgate/Dartmouth, Aldershot, 2001: 235-284 (earlier version of previous item).

“Multicultural Citizenship: Towards a European Policy”, in: Siitolaisuus-Migration, No.4/2000, The Institute of Migration, Turku, Finland: 4-14.

“Social and Cultural Integration in Civil Society”, in: Iain Hampsher-Monk and Catriona McKinnon (eds.) The Demands of Citizenship, Continuum, London, 2000:91-119.

“Gibt es ein Recht auf Muttersprache? Einwanderungsminderheiten als Testfall. 15 Thesen” (Is there a right to one’s native language? Immigrant minorities as a test case), in: Joseph Marko und Günther Burkert-Dottolo (eds.) Multikulturelle Gesellschaft und Demokratie, Nomos-Verlagsgesellschaft, Baden-Baden: 41-46, 2000: 41-46.

“Das Überschreiten und Verwischen von Grenzen. Internationale Migration als Herausforderungen für soziale und politische Theorie” (The Crossing and Blurring of Boundaries. International Migration as a Challenge for Social and Political Theory), in Helmut Eberhart, Johann Verhovsek (eds.) Fremdenfeindlichkeit als Gesellschaftliches Problem (Grazer Beiträge zur Europäischen Ethnologie 8), Peter Lang Verlag, 1999:117-164.

“Liberal justifications for ethnic group rights”, in: Christian Joppke and Steven Lukes (eds.) Multicultural Questions, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1999: 133-157.

“Justificationes liberales para los derechos de los grupos étnicos”, in: Soledad García y Steven Lukes (eds.) Ciudadanía: justicia social, identidad y participación.. Siglo veintiuno,Madrid, 1999: 159-193. Republished in: Maria Paz Avila Ordóñez and Maria Belén Corredores Ledesma (eds,) Los Derechos Colectivos. Hacia su efectiva comprensión y proteccion, Ministerio de Justicia y Derechos Humanos di Ecuador, Quito; 27-60.

“Kulturelle Differenz und religiöse Toleranz in öffentlichen Schulen. Drei Theorien über die Aufgabe staatlicher Schulbildung” (Cultural Difference and Religious Toleration in Public School. Three Theories on the Tasks of Public Education), in: Brigitte Kossek (ed.) Gegen-Rassismen, Argument Verlag, Hamburg, 1999:130-150.

“Minderheiten im Übergang. 20 Thesen zur Assimilation von Einwanderern” (Minorities in Transition. 20 Theses on the Assimilation of Immigrants), in: Eva Müllner (ed.) Entweder-Und-Oder. Vom Umgang mit Mehrfachidentitäen und kultureller Vielfalt. Kulturkontakt Austria, Drava Verlag, Klagenfurt 1999: 62-72.

Rainer Bauböck and John Rundell (eds.) Blurred Boundaries. Migration, Ethnicity, Citizenship. Ashgate: Aldershot, UK, July 1998. Chapters by: Rainer Bauböck, Charles Westin, Cathérine Wihtol de Wenden, Danielle Juteau, Elizier Ben Rafael, Giovanna Zincone, Veit Bader, Stephen Castles, Maria Markus, Elisabetta Galeotti, Daniel Weinstock, Alistair Davidson, John Rundell, Agnes Heller, 356 p.

“Gesellschaftspolitische Zielsetzungen des Muttersprachenunterrichts” (Social and Political Goals of Teaching Native Languages), in Dilek Çinar (ed.) Gleichwertige Sprachen? Muttersprachlicher Unterricht für die Kinder von Einwanderern, Studien Verlag, Wien, 1998: 291-320.

“Can Liberalism Support Collective Rights?” in: Peter Koller und Klaus Puhl (ed.) Aktuelle Probleme der politischen Philosophie, Akten des 19. Internationalen Wittgenstein Symposiums 1996, Verlag Hölder-Pichler-Tempsky, 1997:227-235.

“Introduction”, in: Rainer Bauböck, Agnes Heller, Aristide Zolberg (eds.) The Challenge of Diversity. Integration and Pluralism in Societies of Immigration, Avebury, Aldershot, UK, 1996: 7-22.

Social and Cultural Integration in Civil Society”, in: Rainer Bauböck, Agnes Heller, Aristide Zolberg (eds.) The Challenge of Diversity. Integration and Pluralism in Societies of Immigration, Avebury, Aldershot, UK, 1996: 67-132.

Rainer Bauböck, Agnes Heller, Aristide Zolberg (eds.) The Challenge of Diversity. Integration and Pluralism in Societies of Immigration, Avebury, Aldershot, UK, 1996. Chapters by: Agnes Heller, Aristide Zolberg, Rainer Bauböck, Eliezer Ben Rafael, Joseph Carens and Melissa Williams, Rinus Penninx, Charles Westin, Thomas Faist, Marianne Bodi, 279 p.

“Cultural Minority Rights for Immigrants”, International Migration Review, vol. 30, No.1, spring 1996: 203-250.

“Drei Multikulturelle Dilemmata” (Three Multicultural Dilemmas), in: B. Ostendorf (Ed.) Die multikulturelle Gesellschaft. Modell USA. Fink-Verlag, München, 1994:237-255.

“Kulturelle Integration von Einwanderern” (Cultural Integration of Immigrants), Journal für Sozialforschung, No.1/1994: 71-76.

“Multikulturalität und Integration” (Multiculturalism and Integration), in: Heckle, Olechowski, Schön, Stanzel (eds.) Politische Kultur in Schule und Gesellschaft, Jugend und Volk, Wien, 1994: 139-141.

“Integration in a Pluralistic Society” (1993), in: Rescue ’43. Xenophobia and Exile. Articles from the Conference at the University of Copenhagen, 3 – 5 October 1993, Munksgaard, Kopenhagen:181-203.

“Einwanderungs- und Minderheitenpolitik” (Immigration Policy and Minority Policy). Österreichische Zeitschrift für Soziologie, Heft 3/1991: 42-56.

“Multikulturelle Metropolen?” (Multicultural Metropolis?) in: Berhard Perchinig/Wilfried Steiner: Kaos Stadt, Picus-Verlag, Wien 1991: 55-63.

“Immigration, Integration und interkulturelle Schule” (Immigration, Integration and Multicultural Schools), Erziehung und Unterricht, März 1991: 231-242.

Rainer Bauböck, Michael Neider und Henn-Jüri Uibopuu: “Die Ablehnung des Fremden” (The Rejection of Foreigners), in: Otto Molden (Ed.): Freiheit – Ordnung – Verantwortung. Europäisches Forum Alpbach 1990, Wien 1991: 582-594.

“Ethnizität als politisches Phänomen” (Ethnicity as a Political Phenomenon), Störfaktor. Zeitschrift kritischer Psychologinnen und Psychologen, Heft. 1/1990: 27-40.

Rainer Bauböck, Gerhard Baumgartner, Bernhard Perchinig, Karin Pintér (eds.): …und raus bist du! Ethnische Minderheiten in der Politik. (… and you are out! Ethnic Minorities in Politics). Verlag für Gesellschaftskritik, Wien 1989, 355 p.

“Ethnizität, Minderheiten und Staat” (Ethnicity, Minorities and the States), in: Rainer Bauböck, Gerhard Baumgartner, Bernhard Perchinig, Karin Pintér (Ed.): …und raus bist du! Ethnische Minderheiten in der Politik. Verlag für Gesellschaftskritik, Wien 1989: 3-22.